About Tozando

It all started with an encounter...

Tozando began with an unexpected encounter when Chairman Kimura Takahiko translated for an Italian kendo team, deeply moved by their dedication despite challenges. The international kendo community then lacked adequate facilities and affordable gear, compounded by limited access to resources pre-Internet. Despite these obstacles, overseas martial artists persisted in their pursuit of Japanese martial arts. Inspired by their determination, Kimura embarked on a journey into uncharted territory, driven by the question, "How can I assist them?"

Our history

Founded in Kyoto in 1989 by its current Chairman, Takahiko Kimura, Tozando specialises in the design and manufacture of Kendo equipment, and then more broadly in the manufacture of martial arts outfits, respecting traditional techniques while keeping in mind the needs and desire for comfort of practitioners. Online sales began in 1998 with the launch of the first international e-commerce site, Tozandoshop.com. In the years that followed, the success of sales led the company to open four showrooms, including two in Kyoto in 2007 and 2009, one in Tokyo in 2015 and an other one in Sapporo in 2018. In 2024, the company turned a page in its history, setting down its luggage in France and opening its online shop dedicated to its European customers.

Our philosophy

"To the future, spreading the spirit of martial arts to the world and connecting people"
Tozando is dedicated to advancing martial arts, promoting the samurai ethos, and laying the groundwork for a peaceful world devoid of strife, thereby actualizing the noble aspiration encapsulated in the concept of "Hokodome." Takahiko Kimura, Tozando CEO